The third day of the Forefeast of Theophany falls on January 4. The hymns compare the Feast of the Nativity with the coming Feast. “There shepherds saw the Child and were amazed; here the voice of the Father proclaims the only-begotten Son.”
Troparion — Tone 4
Prepare, O Zebulon, / and adorn yourself, O Naphtali; / River Jordan, cease flowing / and receive with joy the Master coming to be baptized. / Adam, rejoice with our First Mother / and do not hide yourself as you did of old in Paradise; / for having seen you naked, / He has appeared to clothe you with the first garment. / Christ has appeared to renew all creation.
Kontakion — Tone 4
Today the Lord enters the Jordan and cries out to John: / “Do not be afraid to baptize me. / For I have come to save Adam, the first-formed man.”
Forefeast of the Theophany. Saturday before Theophany. Synaxis of the Seventy Apostles:
James (Jacob), the brother of the Lord;
Mark the Evangelist;
Luke the Evangelist;
Cleophas, the brother of Joseph the Betrothed;
Simeon, the son of Cleophas;
Barnabas; Justus; Thaddæus; Ananias; Stephen the Archdeacon;
Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon,
and Parmenas of the Seven Deacons; Timothy; Titus; Philemon; Onesimus; Epaphras; Archippus; Silas;
Silvanus; Crescens; Crispus; Epenetus; Andronicus; Stachys; Amplias; Urban; Narcissus; Apelles; Aristobulus; Herodion; Agabus; Rufus; Asyncritus; Phlegon; Hermes; Patrobus; Hermas; Linus; Gaius; Philologus; Lucius; Jason; Sosipater; Olympas; Tertius; Erastus; Quartus; Euodius;
Onesiphorus; Clement; Sosthenes; Apollos; Tychicus; Epaphroditus; Carpus; Quadratus; Mark, called John; Zenas; Aristarchus; Pudens; Trophimus; Mark; Artemas; Aquila;

Fortunatus; and Achaicus. (1st c.).
Ven. Theoctistus, Abbot at Cucomo, in Sicily (800).
Repose of St. Eustathius I, Archbishop of Serbia (ca. 1285).
St. Aquila, Deacon, of the Kiev Caves (Far Caves—14th c.).
Confessors Zosimus the Hermit and Athanasius the Commentarisius (Superintendent of Prisoners), Anchorites, of Cilicia (3rd-4th c.).
St. Nikephoros the Leper (1964).
Ven. Euthymius and twelve other Monks, martyred at Vatopedi (Mt. Athos—1285).
Ven. Onuphrius of Chilandari (Mt. Athos), Martyr (1818).
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